Party Bus limo hire in Hinckley is for those among you who just love to party! Why not party to your heats content in the Party Bus limo Hinckley limo hire and work up and appetite. If its a special occasions, head to Barnacles, Watling Street Hinckley Leicestershire LE10 3JA for some really fine cuisine. Afterwards, enjoy an hour long VIP cruise in the Party Bus limo to let your food settle, then why not just pop along to Elements,
The Horsefair, Hinckley, LE10 0AN or perhaps into Leicester to experience a hardcore club night at the Fan club, 40 Abbey Street, Leicester, LE1 3TD Where Thursdays are 2-4-1 on drinks, and there is always great themed nights, such as "Atomic" the ultimate 80's experience. Party Bus limo hire in Hinckley to anywhere in the Midlands and UK, Hinckley limo hire caters for all needs. Party Bus limo comes with all the features of the Hummer limos with the added bonus of extra space, plenty of room for you get your dancing shoes on in limo hire!